Friday, October 19, 2007

The fine print...Rules for obtaining a marriage license

Here are the requirements to obtain a marriage license in Los Angeles County California.


The following are the requirements to be issued a Los Angeles County Confidential Marriage License by a Notary Public:
1. You must be at least 18 years of age.
2. You must possess a valid State driver's license or State issued ID card, Passport, Military ID -- with picture and signature or Matricula Consular Card from your county of origin (Mexico and most South American counties issue these in the USA) A birth certificate alone is not valid identification. These ID's must be valid, and NOT expired.
3. You must get married within the next 90 days. If you don't get married in that time period, the license will expire and you must purchase another license.
4. There is NO blood test or waiting period.
5. Ceremony must be performed in Los Angeles County. California is a "ceremonial state" which means that just getting the license does not mean you are married -- you must have a third person to perform the ceremony -- ordained clergy person, judge, retired judge or deputy commissioner of marriage.
6. Two persons of the same sex cannot be issued a license in Los Angeles County.
7. If either of you has been divorced in the last two (2) years, you must bring along a copy of your divorce papers.
8. If either of you has been widowed in the last (2) years, bring along a copy of the death certificate.
9. Minors 17 years old and younger, must contact the County Recorder's office for the rules of issuance of a license to a minor. We cannot issue.
10. If you are getting married in a county other than Los Angeles, my license is not valid. Contact the county recorder's office nearest you and apply for the license that is good throughout the state (the public license).